
ASH COVID 19 Kaynakları ve Veritabanı


Türk Hematoloji Derneği’nin Değerli Üyeleri,

Amerikan Hematoloji Derneği’nin COVID 19 pandemisine ilişkin hazırladığı kaynaklar ve veri tabanı aşağıda ayrıntıları ile yer almaktadır.


THD Yönetim Kurulu

  1. ASH COVID-19 Resource Page

    In an effort to serve the hematology community, ASH is maintaining the COVID-19 Resource Page as a medium to exchange information to assist hematologists in navigating the COVID-19 public health crisis. It includes information specific to clinicians as well as for a general audience. There is an option to submit additional resources as well through the webpage and we welcome your input.
  1. ASH RC COVID-19 Registry for Hematologic Malignancy

    The ASH Research Collaborative launched the COVID-19 Registry and is currently capturing data on people who test positive for COVID-19 and have been or are currently being treated for hematologic malignancy. As data are received, near real-time observational data summaries will be reported for clinicians on the front line of the COVID-19 pandemic. We invite clinicians and other health care providers worldwide to enter de-identified data on all confirmed COVID-19 cases for malignant hematology patients, regardless of recovery or active treatment status.